Outsourced Subjectivity
Outsourced subjectivity investigates the aspects of the performativity of labor of the gig-economy trough Fiverr.com, exploring the political implications and the dynamics between the platform, the contractor and the subjectivities that underlay upon a hired service.
In a series of three acts, the project highlights cooperative efforts, presenting the noises, aesthetic contradictions and cultural contexts of a group of workers
In a series of three acts, the project highlights cooperative efforts, presenting the noises, aesthetic contradictions and cultural contexts of a group of workers
A song For Financial Freedom
: The first act, A song for Financial Freedom, is a collaborative singalong animation produced within five different sellers structured as an exquisite corpse, between a
witch, a poet, a musician, a singer, and a 3d animator.
Thank you for your time
Being Your Own Boss
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The second act (above) Thank you for your
time, is a series of sculptures that interpret the relationship between leisure and work, using as inspiration five words given by the workers in their leisure time.
The third and final act, Being your own boss, is a book of critical essays written by ghostwriters from five different countries, on their perspectives about Fiverr, work and society.
Outsourced subjectivity explores our relationship with the digital workforce as an analogy to design practice itself: are informal economies the only way to survive? Is design a field of veiled precariousness under the smoke and mirrors of the motivational jargon? Under the economy of outsourcing, who’s the author? Who’s the doer? Who’s the maker?. Outsourced subjectivity offloads these questions in the blurred lines between the exploiter and exploited as a mirror to design’s professional condition.
3D printing, Video and E-Book - 2019
The third and final act, Being your own boss, is a book of critical essays written by ghostwriters from five different countries, on their perspectives about Fiverr, work and society.
Outsourced subjectivity explores our relationship with the digital workforce as an analogy to design practice itself: are informal economies the only way to survive? Is design a field of veiled precariousness under the smoke and mirrors of the motivational jargon? Under the economy of outsourcing, who’s the author? Who’s the doer? Who’s the maker?. Outsourced subjectivity offloads these questions in the blurred lines between the exploiter and exploited as a mirror to design’s professional condition.
3D printing, Video and E-Book - 2019